Sexually Transmitted Infections and Violence against Women: A Lifecourse Perspective

Corrine Williams, Harvard University
Ulla M. Larsen, University of Maryland
Laura McCloskey, Harvard University

Both childhood and adult victimization have been found to be associated with sexually transmitted infections, but studies have rarely looked at both events simultaneously. Because women who experience child abuse are more likely to be victimized as adults, having information on abuse both during childhood and adulthood would be important for understanding the relationship with sexually transmitted infection, which could allow for more targeted interventions. This paper examines the relationship between different forms of violence experienced by women and STIs using data from a case-control study of 301 women. In unadjusted analyses, women with STIs had higher mean childhood emotional abuse scores, more reports of childhood sexual abuse, and increased rates of emotional, physical, and sexual abuse as adults.

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Presented in Session 43: Domestic Violence, Sexual Behaviors, and Reproductive Health