Saturday, April 1 / 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM   •   San Gabriel C

Session 137:
Race, Ethnicity, Human Capital, and the Labor Market

Chair: Jeffrey M. Timberlake, University of Cincinnati
Discussant: Eric Grodsky, University of California, Davis

  1. Labor Force Attachment and the Evolving Wage Gap between White, Black and Hispanic Young WomenSigal Alon, Tel Aviv University ; Yitchak Haberfeld, Tel Aviv University

  2. Learning but Not Earning? The Value of Job Corps Training for Hispanic YouthsAlfonso Flores-Lagunes, University of Arizona ; Arturo Gonzalez, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) ; Todd Neumann, University of Arizona

  3. Diversity by Design or Default? Minority Students and the Texas Top 10% LawSunny Xinchun Niu, Princeton University ; Teresa A. Sullivan, University of Texas at Austin ; Marta Tienda, Princeton University

  4. The Changing Educational Attainment of Ethnic Groups in the United States: 1980-2000Franklin D. Wilson, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Salvador Rivas, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Uzi Rebhun, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Other sessions on Race, Ethnicity and Gender