Thursday, March 30 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   San Pedro

Session 31:
Demography of Crime

Chair: David Bjerk, McMaster University and RAND
Discussant: Steven Raphael, University of California, Berkeley
Discussant: Katherine Magnuson, University Of Wisconsin at Madison

  1. Parental Criminality among Head Start Children: Associations with Children’s Problem BehaviorsSoumya Alva, Westat, Inc. ; Nicholas Zill, Westat, Inc. ; Yair Ziv, Westat, Inc.

  2. Inequality in Crime across Place: Exploring the Role of SegregationLauren J. Krivo, Ohio State University ; Ruth D. Peterson, Ohio State University ; Danielle C. Payne, Ohio State University

  3. The Criminal Careers of Young MenJuan Pantano, University of California, Los Angeles

  4. The Ecological Fallacy of the Abortion-Crime ThesisBryan L. Sykes, University of California, Berkeley ; Dominik Hangartner, University of Bern ; Earl Hathaway, University of Wisconsin at Madison

Other sessions on Economy, Labor Force, Education, and Inequality