The Impact of Maternal Characteristics on Immunization Status of U.S. Children

Sam S Kim, Arizona State University
Jemima A. Frimpong, University of Pennsylvania
Patrick A Rivers, Southern Illinois University
Jennie J Kronenfeld, Arizona State University

This study evaluated U.S. immunization practices by examining the effect of maternal characteristics on Up-to-Date (UTD) immunization status. 2003 National Immunization Survey was analyzed. Multivariate Cox proportional hazard regression models were assessed to test hypotheses that the maternal characteristics are predictive of variation in the rate of children's UTD status in 4:3:1:3 immunization series. Black mothers had a significantly lowered rate of completing 4:3:1:3 series within 18 months from the birth of the child. We also find that less educated mothers and Hispanic mothers have higher rates of completion of immunizations for their children. Why this occurs needs further exploration in other data sets, but both a positive cultural attitude related to the needs and importance of young children among Hispanics and an important role in education of mothers for Medicaid, SCHIP, and WIC providers may help to improve the diligence of these groups with higher rates of immunization completion.

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Presented in Poster Session 5: Health, Mortality, Aging, Biology