Session 139:
New Methods for Understanding the Distribution of Health and Family Planning Services in Africa
Chair: Allan G. Hill, Harvard University
Discussant: Debbie Fugate, San Diego State University
District-Level Estimates of Home Deliveries in Ghana: Application of Small Area Analysis Using DHS and Census Data Fiifi Amoako Johnson, University of Southampton ; Sabu S. Padmadas, University of Southampton ; James Brown, University of Southampton
Density of Family Planning Service Availability: Kernel Density Estimation of Access to Contraceptives in Malawi Nathan Heard, Harvard School of Public Health
Spatial Modeling of HIV Prevalence in Cameroon, Kenya, and Tanzania Livia Montana, ORC Macro ; Melissa Neuman, ORC Macro ; Vinod Mishra, ORC Macro ; Rathavuth Hong, ORC Macro
Calculating Accessibility Ratios in Nicaragua Using Kernel Density Estimation John Spencer, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Other sessions on Data and Methods