Session 173:
Reproductive Health and Mortality in the Developing World
Chair: Saifuddin Ahmed, Johns Hopkins University
Discussant: Kenneth H. Hill, Johns Hopkins University
Decline in Adult Female Mortality over Three Successive Surveys in Indonesia Mohamed M. Ali, World Health Organization (WHO) ; Zoe Matthews, University of Southampton
On Reducing Maternal Mortality in Mexico: From Access to Care to Quality of Care Rosario Cardenas, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana ; Graciela Freyermuth, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social ; Paola Sesia, Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Superiores en Antropología Social
The Impact of Pesticide Exposure on Breast Cancer Incidence: Evidence from Costa Rica, 1996-2000 Carolina Santamaria, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Political Dimensions of Maternal Mortality Reduction in India and Nigeria: Implications for Achieving the Health MDGs Jeremy Shiffman, Syracuse University
Other sessions on Health and Mortality