Session 81:
Desire, Intention and Behavior in Fertility and Reproductive Health
Chair: Sarah Walchuk Thayer, University of California, Berkeley
Discussant: Rachel Sullivan, University of California, Berkeley
“It Happened One Night”: The Sexual Context of Fertility Decision-Making Julie Fennell, Brown University
Managing Natural Reproduction Jennifer Johnson-Hanks, University of California, Berkeley
How Women Calculate on the Survival of their Children in the Context of HIV/AIDS: Strategies, Child Hoarding and Fertility Behaviors Ana Carvalho, University of Southampton ; Zoe Matthews, University of Southampton
Biographic Discontinuities and Family Formation: Case Studies from Western and Eastern Germany Laura Bernardi, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Holger Von der Lippe, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Sylvia Keim, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning, and Reproductive Health